How to make money online? how to work online? how to online work?online work?

There are so many ways to work online.but for online work on internet there is always two possible way.

1.  Easy way(but its always for so long time period to get income). 
2.  Hard way(Knowledge of work and do online).

      Easy way :
                              As I said, it takes you a lot of time, if you get a job done in making money, but it gives you a lot of time to get money, so it's easier that it is mostly What you do in the work that you make money that you have to pay for money, you will go after a very long time because this work is so easy, so it is made too long. If this work is available to you anywhere, then this work will require a very long time.This work will tire you and you will be wondering how much your salary for this job will reduce your salary.
                        And when you get your money out of these websites, you get the money out, they are so low, they get so much tex on this transaction money, nothing comes in your hands over them.So I would say to you that if you have a lot of time, you only need it or you do not need so much money, you're just new to this job, then you're here again. Come on

    Hard way :                

                           As I have previously mentioned, this difficult path is to yourself if you have some work if you know how to do any work at the computer, such as graphic designing or job designing a website Here are the developments you have come up with that job so that it will make you a lot of money in less time.But it is up to your work that how long you work and how much time you need to do this work.
               You do not have much damage in this work because you are talking to the servant you are working with, that servant is telling you how it needs You do it according to the wishes of your servant, and you take it on your own custom at the same time.......
Online Work
